My communication style is focused, respectful and empathetic. You might ask where is the empathy? Well empathy is in my standing in your shoes and keeping the message short and entertaining so as not to bore you. I call my style respectful because I do not take more of your time than absolutely necessary knowing that time is a non-renewable most precious resource on earth.
My focus of Communication is related to the ubiquitous term ‘KISS’ applied for communications: keep it short and simple. So, while keeping things short and simple and while I kiss my way into your heart through my communication, I don’t forget about passion. In fact, I am a creature of passion and my messages are imbued with tears and laughter and all kinds of emotion. In fact I feel that I have a very distinct message- a unique one- just like my fingerprint which I need to deliver and while I am pregnant with my message I muster up all my passion to deliver it the best I can.
The lifeblood of good communication is a story, isn’t it? I don’t hesitate to pour myself out into my communication. You see as many leaves are there on the trees or blades of grass on the plains so also this world is populated by stories and each story has its own unique flavour and its own learning. I do not hesitate to share my life: I shy not away through inhibition from revealing my true story in the hope that it can add value and meaning to others and be a learning experience for my peers.
It goes without saying that words form only a teeny weeny 7 % of the total communication. So whether it be spoken or written communication, I make it a point to inject it with tone or feeling as well as modulation in terms of style.
That said, another part of communication is the listening. I try to do my best by being supportive. I engage actively in your communication with me.
My communication style is of the initiating kind and it generally finds favour with most people around me. However one-size-fits-all never ever worked and so I do come up against a wall at times when dealing with people who are not so open and who do not favour my style of communication. Some people who are very direct or analytical or closed due to some issues sometimes find me irritating, I must confess! and that is the feedback that I have received sometimes verbally- sometimes through their reactions. But I also try to alter my communication style while dealing with such other styles of communication. Especially in a professional environment I try to change my communication style to direct whereby it is all task-oriented cutting away the frilly and fanciful stuff. I also try to be supportive in my communication when dealing with someone who really needs a safe place to communicate and I provide that support and talk less listen more in those circumstances.
The analytical communication style is something that is most alien to me and I find it difficult to cope with people who adopt the analytical style.
I am mostly an open communicator, and I must say, most people like me for my communication.
I would love to know how you communicate and which style you favour.
My communication style