Smile your way through obstacles and embrace Success!
Do you think you have fallen on tough times? That there are too many problems in your life and you are powerless to overcome them?
Well, fret not. History has shown, as religion and philosophy has always maintained that life is a series of stumbling blocks meant to test us and to lead us to a better destiny.
Do you know that Thomas A Edison was rejected at school for being confused and unintelligent?
Albert Einstein could not speak until he was four and could not read until seven years of age, which made people think he was mentally handicapped.
Today we see Oprah Winfrey, J K Rowling, Steven Spielberg at the top of their games. But all of them have a typically rags-to-riches story to tell. Henry Ford went bankrupt five times before he could establish his automobile empire.
The setbacks that come our way are but challenges thrown by destiny. We can choose to play victim and crumble under the weight of their burden- or, we can choose to tackle the issues head on and rise to claim the Trophy.
Haven’t we heard always: “No pain, no gain”, “Failures are the stepping stones of success”.
So, brace yourselves to rise and meet your challenges. Integrity and Intelligence coupled with Character and Consistency will bridge the gap of mediocrity and catapult you to your own Sparkling Success Story.
Along the way, keep in mind never to wallow in self-pity. Rather, welcome the challenges in your life and treat them as the gateway to your success.
Keep away from emotion and focus all your intelligence objectively on the problem/problems facing you.
Make a Force Field Analysis on paper. It’s simple. Break down your Adversity into the definite problems facing you. Take one problem at a time. Jot down your problem clearly. Make two columns, one for the factors causing the continuation of the problem, other for the factors that can change the problem situation. On a scale of 1 to 5, allot scores to each of the entries, in order of weightage– 0 for least and 5 for most weightage. Be honest in this exercise. Compare the relative importance of factors. Go over the analysis a second time. Check the scores again. Are there any changes in perspective and understanding? What is the cause of the problem? Why aren’t you being able to change it? What forces could change the scenario?
As you adopt this exercise to all your problems, one by one, you will be able to devise strategy for overcoming it/them.
With Intelligence and Integrity, you would have analysed your adverse circumstances. Now with character and consistency, put the strategy into action. Do not be afraid of the large scope of the journey from adversity to wellness. Go for your strategy step by step. Proceed with character and consistency. Never give up on yourself.
Remember the examples above? Each one of them refused to take ‘No’ for an answer. They insisted on transforming the No into Yes. And once the human spirit fixes itself to a star, the sky is within reach.
Let not time pass you by. You are the commander of your own ship on the sea of life. Take the storm with the calm, and all glory will be yours.Success will be there to greet you en route
Overcome Tough Times