Come Aspire

Giving, Gratitude and Godliness

Gratitude is the highway to Grace. Be grateful, be thankful, we are reminded again and again. Gratitude to God is the ultimate virtue, isn’t it? Now consider, when we give freely to others, what do we get? GRATITUDE Hence, Giving puts us in the same bracket as God. We too become worthy of Gratitude. We… Continue reading Giving, Gratitude and Godliness


Before The Buddha arrived at Enlightenment and the Middle Path, he experienced the extremes of royalty and the dredges of poverty. Before Christ’s Ascension, crown of thorns was his. Prophet Muhammad , Rama, Krishna, Abraham, Noah…name any Great One and what we find is a life of travails. So travails are ingrained in the nature… Continue reading Life

Who’s Watching

My guiding star up above is watching me. What am I showing? Am I a pleasant picture, pleasing to behold? Let me beautify my life. For the One up above. Watching me, gently guiding.


At any given time, there are many choices available to us. Choices make our life interesting and give us the heady feeling of power. Yet choices can also overwhelm us by their very abundance. Each choice has pros and cons, and the concept of Choice itself has its ups and downs. Such is the interesting… Continue reading Choice

Unleash Your Hidden Talent

Do we all have talents? Or, are some particularly talented? Talent shows and competitions seem to say that talent is a specialized capacity, developed beyond normal proportions and achieving spectacular results. Have you been driven to believe that such talent is a rare phenomenon, not to be aspired by all? It’s then time to take… Continue reading Unleash Your Hidden Talent

Is There Shame in Truth

Shame is an imposed construct. It is a ploy to have us go by rules. Yet many a time Shame makes us run away from the Truth. Shame of being different, shame of living a life not according to textbook patterns. So we hide, hide as best we can from the Truth But isn’t it… Continue reading Is There Shame in Truth

Taxiing for take-off

Ever thought of the earth as your spaceship? Ever thought you are a space traveller hurtling through space at break neck speed with the universe peeping at your window? Ever thought of the gorgeous dome of a ceiling that adorns your home, lit up by the radiant sun and moon in turns? … the clouds… Continue reading Taxiing for take-off

My communication style

My communication style is focused, respectful and empathetic. You might ask where is the empathy? Well empathy is in my standing in your shoes and keeping the message short and entertaining so as not to bore you. I call my style respectful because I do not take more of your time than absolutely necessary knowing… Continue reading My communication style